Theories of Learning According to Experts (R. Gagne, Hilgard, Thorndike, and Bandura)

Theories of Learning According to Experts (R. Gagne, Hilgard, Thorndike, and Bandura)
Learning problem is a matter that is always actual and faced by everyone. Therefore, many scientists discuss and produce various theories about learning. In terms of learning, there is no contradiction to the truth of every theory produced, but the most important is the use of each theory in teaching practice that best suits your situation and culture.

The use of learning theories with the formal situation is more limited in formal education institutions in schools. The view/theory of learning according to a particular expert will determine how it should "create" the learning conditions themselves and that effort is typically known as teaching

To gain an objective understanding of learning especially in school, it is necessary to formulate the meaning of learning. Understanding of learning has been found by many psychologists including educational psychologists.

And the following will explain some theories about learning according to experts

The theory of R. Gagne

About the theory of learning, Gagne gives two definitions; (a) Learning is a process to gain motivation in my knowledge, skills, habits, and behavior. (b) Learning is the mastery of knowledge or skills gained from instruction.

Beginning in human infancy interacts with the environment, but only in the form of "sensory-motor coordination". Then he began to learn to speak and use language. The ability to use this language is important to learn

The theory of Hilgard

Learning is considered a process of behavioral change as a result of experience and practice. Hilgar discloses "learning is the process of learning activity proceeded or changed through training proceedings (distinguished from changes by factors not attributable to training"). For Hilgar, learning is a process of change through training activities or procedures both in the laboratory and in the natural environment. Learning is not just gathering knowledge. Learning is a mental process that occurs within a person, causing the appearance of behavior change. Mental activity that occurs because of individual interactions with the environment consciously

Theory of Learning Connectionism

The theory of learning connectionism was developed by Thorndike in 1913. According to this learning theory, learning in animals and in humans basically, takes place according to the same principles. The basis of learning is the formation of an association between the impression captured by the senses and the tendency to act or the relationship between stimulus and response (S-R). Hence this theory is also called Stimulus-Response theory

Social Learning Theory (Social learning theory)

This social learning theory was developed by Bandura and states that learning new behaviors can be done through direct or indirect modeling as well as through self-regulation.

Classical Conditioning Learning Theory

The figure of learning theory of classical conditioning is Pavlov which states that learning requires certain conditions of repetition is done repeatedly

Jufri Derwotubun

Saya hanyalah seorang pengembara yang suka berpetualangan, menulis, dan membaca alam semesta.

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