Know the figure of Caliph Harun ar-Rashid

Know About The Caliph Of Harun ar-Rashid
Caliph Of Harun ar-Rashid, Born on 17 March 763 AD, Harun ar-Rashid, the fifth Abbasid caliph, was 23 years old when he sat on the throne on the night of 15 September 786 AD. The night was bright and bright, glittering with a million stars.

According to legend, the moon looks curved like a sickle above the al-Khuld Palace or the Palace of Eternity. A star is at the center of its arch, as in the banner of Muslim war in the future.

The next morning, Aaron departed from the outskirts of Isabadh City and officially entered the capital of the Kingdom of Baghdad, preceded by his court guards. Several legions of soldiers accompanied. Their weapons and armor glistened in the sun.

Benson Bobrick in his book, The Caliph's Splendor: Islam and the West in the Golden Age of Baghdad, illustrates, among the well-armed soldiers, there was an army of holy soldiers known as the Ansar or the Medina army. The 'defenders' first recruited his father, Caliph Mahdi.

"The banks of the Tigris River are crowded with hopes. Thousands of people also marched on the big bridge of boats that the caliph would cross. Therefore, on Friday, Aaron will lead the Friday prayer, "Bobrick wrote.

Fleet and barge full of spectators really make the traffic jams. The merchants and nobles stood on the platforms of terraced houses overlooking the pier.

Among them, the black cloak, the black turban, and the Abbasid black flag looked strikingly like the look on the face of the whitewashed city, glistening like black oniks. From the roof and the windows, the women shouted a high-pitched song of joy.

The royal accompaniment proceeded slowly. Aaron's bodyguard troopers wore excellent uniforms. In the midst of them, Aaron himself rode a horse with a full armor. His body is robust and handsome on a white war horse decorated with extraordinary.

Stretched on his shoulder, in the style of Islam, is the famous Dzul Faqar, a double-edged sword seized in the Battle of Badr in 624 AD Had once used the Prophet himself and given it to his son-in-law, Ali. It is said that he has a miraculous power and engraved the words la yuqtal muslim bi al-kafir meaning "a Muslim should not be killed for killing infidels".

Later that day, Aaron led the prayer at the great mosque of the city and then sat before the public in the courtyard. The prominent people and the common people were called to face him to swear allegiance and express their joy over his coronation.

The following day, at the reception and official court sessions, the new caliph appointed Yahya al-Barmak became his vizier and gave him the full mandate. When he gave the royal stamp to him, Aaron called it with great respect as his 'father' while saying, "My father, I owe this position to your wisdom. I leave to you the responsibility for the welfare of my people. "

"I take this responsibility from my shoulders and put it on your shoulders. The rule in the way you think best, pick whoever you want and stop whoever you want. "

The death of the previous caliph and his brother, Hadi, which was obviously due to the killing of the day was known to a few people and in no way diminished the festivity and the party scene. Even reports of Hadi's killing in the future do not stain Aaron's high position in the eyes of the next generation.

As a historical scholar, Aaron himself sees his ascension as an example of predestined greatness. This is reinforced by his knowledge of Islam and its seemingly impossible resurrection.

As he scans the inherited territory, under the guidance of a select group of teachers, he absorbs his grand story and glory and power are now in his grasp.

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